A platform that is registered and works to promote sports in India is the Rising Cricket League. It arranges national cricket leagues and a variety of talent hunt activities. It is also a major player in district, state, and national competition organisation.

A professional platform for aspiring talented cricket players is the Rising Cricket League. It continuously advances in a constructive manner to elevate cricket’s standing as a well-liked sport in our nation. We at RCL give the young players in PAN India lots of fair possibilities.

Applicants from rural areas of the nation hope to follow their dreams of becoming well-known national and international cricket players. They have the chance to sign up for the league and demonstrate their abilities. Even if they showed their mettle in the trial matches, not everyone has the resources and money to continue playing in the league owing to social and financial situations. We at the RCL are able to recognise and develop cricket talent thanks to the backing of the business sponsors.

The RCL management is made up of visionary statesmen. They have made sure that nothing is overlooked in their efforts to make cricket more approachable for all. Not just in India but all throughout the world, their acumen and passion for elevating cricket to this height are highly regarded.

In order to increase corporate sponsorship RCL partnered with a number of national and international organisations to improve the state of sports in the nation. We at the Rising Cricket League are prepared to solicit money from both individual and business sponsors.

This is the ideal chance for your business to link its name to sports sponsorship of our different teams. This page contains a sponsorship form that is easy to understand and can assist you in becoming one of RCL’s corporate sponsors.

Your sponsorship fund will enable us to purchase better equipment, cover the expense of travel, and keep the other training facilities up to par.

We are inviting both well-known corporations and neighbourhood businesses to sponsor our squad in the youth cricket competition. We want to be associated with the well-known brand in the community, which is your business.

Various benefits of sponsoring our teams:-

  • One excellent approach to get engaged with the community at large is to sponsor our team.
  • It’s also a fantastic way to market your company. This year, our teams will field more than 100 players. This implies that hundreds of individuals will see your company’s branding.
  • Everyone will recall your business house’s backing of the young cricket league with that kind of exposure.
    When you financially support the team, your business will be featured on the players’ t-shirts as well as on their cricket equipment, such as bats and pads.
  • Your business will be promoted by their attire and equipment, and the media, the cricket pitch and the playing grounds will all display your company’s name.
  • An invitation to come to one of our games and experience the thrill of professional cricket in real time will be extended to you.
  • We will express our gratitude for your contribution through email blasts to our family.
  • You’ll see posts about your company on social media.
  • Along with a message of gratitude, you will receive a photo of our team alongside well-known celebrities and former cricket players to display at your office.